What are Stress Triggers?

Stressful workplace is a growing problem around the world that affects not only the health and well-being of employees, but also the productivity of corporations. Work-related stress arises where work demands of various types and combinations exceed the person’s capacity and capability to cope.
Work-related stress can be caused by various stress triggers. For example, a person might feel under pressure if the demands of their job are greater than they can comfortably manage. Other sources of work-related stress include conflict with co-workers or bosses, constant change, and threats to job security, such as potential redundancy.
A small amount of pressure is good to keep your employees working and focused. It also helps you become more motivated.However, too much stress is never a good thing; instead of doing good, it will damage your business and team productivity in the long run! Overstress can lead to major problems such as anxiety and depression.
In these pandemic times, it’s more important to keep yourself safe from mental tension as the world is already suffering from physical health conditions!
Top 5 Stress Triggers
Following are some of the stress triggers. Identifying these stress triggers will help you eliminate and avoid the negative impacts of stress burnout on employees and corporations.
Work-Related Stress Triggers
Job Insecurity
Job insecurity is the most critical factor responsible for work stress in employees. Today in this ongoing pandemic, the economy is very uncertain, and the competition is very high. This very reason drives the corporations to increase the workload and go for cost-cut measures. As a result, the fear of losing the job and meeting high demands causes undue stress in employees.
Lack of Control
Loads of responsibilities with zero authority triggers work-related stress. Lack of control over activities makes the employees lose interest in their
work because they do not control decision-making power in their jobs.
Difficult Working Conditions
Poor environment triggers stress. The actual place where we perform our job has to be noise-free. Noisy, suffocated, and poorly configured space all add to the stress, which negatively influences performance. Unpredictable meetings and tight deadlines also add to the work-related stress triggers.
Organizational Change
Change in the organizational structure, policy, process or procedures, team, job, cultural, or work environment changes all create fear and stress for employees if they are not managed and communicated well.
Financial Stress Triggers
Work-related stress and financial stress go hand-in-hand. This stress usually comes from worrying about not having enough money to be comfortable or being unable to pay debt etc.! It often feels like you are the only one dealing with financial stress, but remember you are not alone. There are hundreds of people out there who are jobless and go through similar financial stress.
Relationship Stress Triggers
Throughout our life, we come across many relationships, be it, friends or family. Often these relationships can also cause stress. Getting married or getting divorced, broken family background; all these factors contribute to relationships stress.
Most of the time, we are stressed out because of work and finances, but we react aggressively with our friends and family, affecting our close relationships.
Emotional Stress Triggers
Emotional stress involves a lack of self-esteem, lack of confidence, and fear. Some people are so afraid of public speaking that they even start shivering when asked to come on the stage. Most people have no control over their lives, and this leaves them stressed out and depressed.
Pain stress Triggers
It can include acute pain or chronic pain. Like disease stressors, pain stressors can cause stress or be aggravated by stress.
Given the list above, you can easily identify your stress triggers. You may be suffering from physical or disease stress, but the thing is, you have to be aware of the root cause to eliminate it. For example, if you have trouble concentrating on your work because of loud noise in the office, consider buying a pair of earplugs.
If you cannot identify your stress triggers or how to cope with them, it’s time to get help. Stressed-out situations lead to anxiety and depression, which lead to a stressful corporation. You need to consult Chantay Golson, LPC to get you to your solution to Burnout.