Why is Corporate Life So Stressful?

Stress is the truth of this era, most importantly since the pandemic hit the world. Stress can be caused due to various reasons varying from family conflicts to emotional stress. These stressful situations cause a spike in heart rate and blood pressure temporarily, but acute and chronic stress can cause long-term health issues! Since the past few years, studies have seen an increasing number of individuals being more stressed at their jobs than their personal lives.
Modern studies have started associating the corporate world with stress because there is an imbalance between workplace demands and job control. In the corporate world, employees are always under a lot of pressure of deadlines and work stress. Most of the corporate employees have reported their working conditions to be highly depressing and stressful. Why is that so?

Why is Corporate Life So Stressful?
In this fast-moving world, the nature of work challenges is changing at a faster pace. Employees are hired for a specific job, and then they are assigned hundreds of additional tasks; they are expected to work longer without breaks and that too at lower wages! Less pay and more work make the employees frustrated, afraid, and uncertain.
Increased Responsibilities for Lesser Benefits
In corporate jobs, the requirements of a job exceed an employee’s limitations, which results in a harsh response; stress! Employees are asked to perform increased responsibilities for lesser benefits and no appreciation.
They are constantly faced with competition, pay cuts, target pressures, and deadlines, all of which lead to exhaustion and stress. When continuously subjected to such forms of stress, workers develop low morale, making their productivity suffer and affecting their mental health.
Corporate Life is Difficult by Design
A mid-level manager works 24/7 a year to please his boss, but his boss ends up giving him unrealistic goals for the next year with no bonus and appreciation. This makes the manager frustrated, and he then assigns aggressive targets to his team, while neglecting the rules of leadership. The team, in turn, gets frustrated and loses their productivity; hence at the end of the year, they become unable to achieve the goals. In the end, everyone starts blaming each other, and the environment becomes vicious. This is what happens at corporate jobs!
Efficiency Leads to Burden
The more efficient you are, the more you will be burdened. There is nothing wrong as you get more experienced, but these days, everything is bound with time, and time is money. Corporate jobs take all of your energy and time
and give pay cuts in return!
No Recognition and No Appreciation
Recognition and appreciation keep an employee motivated. But in corporate jobs, they make you realize that you need the company more than the company needs you. AND that is not true! Employees get no appreciation for working for extra hours or performing well.
Solution for Managing Corporate Life Stress
One solution is to take stress management training sessions. These training sessions not only help you overcome the stress but also eliminate the root cause of stress. You can also practice yoga and meditation, but these stressful jobs require professional help.
The best is to seek a stress and burnout recovery consultant to get the solution! If you are overwhelmed by work stress, get in touch with Chantay Golson, LPC, and get burnout recovery!